October 16
    Sam gets on the elevator and rides without pushing any buttons.  First, the elevator goes up 4 floors where Chase gets on.  Chase goes down 6 floors and gets off.  At that point Presley gets on and goes up one floor before getting off.  The elevator then moves down 8 floors to pick up Samantha who rides down 3 floors and gets off.  Then the elevator goes up one floor, picks up Colin, and goes down 6 floors to ground level, which is floor 0 where Sam exits the elevator.

1.  Suppose x is your starting point.  Write an equation that represents Sam's elevator ride.

2.  At what floor did Sam get on the elevator?

3.  At what floor did Chase get on the elevator?  At what floor did Chase get off?

4.  At what floor did Presley get on the elevator?  At what floor did Presley get off?

5.  At what floor did Samantha get on the elevator?  At what floor did Samantha get off?

6.  At what floor did Colin get on the elevator?  What floor button did Colin select?