Week of
November 6
1. Presley has 100 coins, all of which are nickels, dimes, and quarters, that together are worth $13.  She has 3 times as many nickels as dimes.  How many of each type of coin does Presley have?
3. Lucia bought 100 pounds of potatoes that were 99 percent water.  After the potatoes were left outdoors for a day, they were 98 percent water.  What was the weight of the slightly dehydrated potatoes?
5.  While building a medieval cathedral, it cost 37 guilders to hire 4 artists and 3 stonemasons, or 33 guilders for 3 artists and 4 stonemasons.  What would be the expense of just 1 of each worker?
4 .Anish has a quarter, a dime, and two pennies in his pocket.  What is the probability that he can match the change part of his bill for any purchase?
2.Harlan has been in fewer than 100 races.  When she divides the total number of races by 4, then three races are left over.  When she divides the number of races by 3, no races are left over.  When she divides the number of races by 2, only 1 race is left over.  But if she divides the total number of races by 7, no races are left over.  How many races has she had?
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6.  What word or phrase does each box below bring to mind?