Experiment Evaluation Checklist

The experiment as a whole
Clear independent variable
Clear dependent variable
Has proper controls
Appropriate number of trials
Safety followed
Clean-up completed
Uses metric measurements
Write up is neat and organized
Appropriate vocabulary and language mechanics

Question – the problem
Stated as a question, for example What is the effect of (independent variable) on (dependent variable)?
Clear and precise

Hypothesis – what do you think the results will be
Relates directly to the question
Clear and concise statement, i.e. if the (independent variable) is (how changed) then (dependent variable) will (describe).

Reasons for hypothesis – support for your guess of the results
Clear and well explained
Goes back to question

Materials – list of supplies and equipment
Amounts and sizes given
Diagrams if needed


Data table and graph – displays information collected
Appropriate graph for data
Title, labels, and units given
Key, if needed

Conclusion – your answer to the question
Purpose of experiment stated
Refers back to the question
Tells if hypothesis is proven or disproved
Major findings come directly from the data
Doesn’t bring in new hypothesis
Recommendations made
Possible error noted

Evidence – how your data supports your answer
Supports the conclusions with data
Gives numbers, percents and ratios